May 16th, 2023 Good morning, S&P 500 closes higher as debt ceiling negotiations in Washington are set to resume The S&P 500 rose sl...

May 16th, 2023
Good morning,
S&P 500 closes higher as debt ceiling negotiations in Washington are set to resume
The S&P 500 rose slightly to start the week Monday as traders assessed ongoing debt ceiling negotiations.
Dow......33349 +47.98 +0.14%
Nasdaq12365 +80.5 +0.66%
S&P 500.4136 +12.2 +0.30%
FTSE.....7778 +23.1 +0.30%
Dax......15917 +3.4 +0.05%
CAC......7418 +3.4 +0.05%
Nikkei.....29626 +238.04 +0.81%
HSI.........19971 +343.9 +1.75%
Shanghai.3311 +38.4 +1.17%
IDX.....6711.74 +3.98 +0.06%
LQ45....935.00 +2.77 +0.30%
IDX30...486.29 +1.36 +0.29%
IDXEnergy...1906.24 -12.55 -0.65%
IDX BscMat 1072.68 +0.85 +0.08%
IDX Indstrl...1171.30 +1.81 +0.15%
IDXNONCYC.744.37 +11.00 +1.50%
IDX Hlthcare1490.97 +21.76 +1.48%
IDXCYCLIC...852.09 +5.21 +0.61%.
IDX Techno..4916.66 -39.62 -0.80%
IDX Transp..1869.92 +2.26 +0.12%
IDX Infrast.....820.86 +1.05 +0.19%
IDX Finance.1372.33 -6.18 -0.45%
IDX Banking.1132.17 -3.39 -0.30%
IDX Property.....727 -7.20 -0.98%
*Indo10Yr.6.5434 +0.0063 +0.10%*
*ICBI....360.5916👍 +0.1398 +0.04%*
*US2Yr.4.0104* +0.0190 +0.48%
*US5Yr 3.4703* +0.0241 +0.70%
*US10Yr3.5070* +0.044 +1.27%
*US30Yr.3.8440* +0.0610 +1.61%
VIX......17.12 +0.09 +0.53%
*USDIndx102.4340 -0.2680 -0.26%*
Como Indx.261.65 +3.73 +1.44%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN...146.05 +0.03 +0.02%
IndoCDS.97.54 - -%
(5-yr INOCD5) *(12/05)*
*IDR.....14804.50 +54.00 +0.37%*
*Jisdor.14812.00 +60.00 +0.41%*
*Euro......1.0876 +0.0013 +0.12%*
TLKM..27.14 +0.11 +0.43%
EIDO....23.78 +0.22 +0.93%
EEM.....39.26 +0.71 +1.84%
Oil......71.43 +1.33 +1.90%
Gold...2020.70 -0.30 -0.01%
Timah..24836.00 - -%
*(Closed 12/05)*
Nickel..21837.50 -75 -0.34%
(Closed 15/05)
Silver......24.27 +0.12 +0.50%
Copper...374.30 +1.75 +0.47%
*Iron Ore 62% 105.16 - -%*
*Nturl Gas.2.366 +0.1840 +8.43%‼️*
Coal price.163.75 -1.15 -0.70%
Coal price.162.50 -0.50 -0.31%
Coal price.164.35 -0.40 :-0.24%
Coal price.166.95 -0.65 -0.39%
Coal price.118.15 -1.30 -1.09%
*Coal price.103.40 -3.70 -3.59%‼️*
(Jun/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price 103.40 -3.85 -3.59%‼️*
*Coal price 103.50 -4.15 -3.86%‼️*
CPO(Agt)...3541 -31.00 -0.87%
Corn........592.50 +6.25 +1.07%
SoybeanOil49.69 +0.17 +0.34%
*Wheat....660.76 +25.75 +4.06%‼️*
*Wood pulp..4050.00 unch +0%*
(Closed 15/05)
©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_