July 24th, 2023 Good morning, Dow ekes out narrow gain Friday for 10th straight positive day, longest rally since 2017 Stocks were mixed Fri...
July 24th, 2023
Good morning,
Dow ekes out narrow gain Friday for 10th straight positive day, longest rally since 2017
Stocks were mixed Friday as traders assessed the latest corporate earnings results, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average stretched its winning streak to 10 sessions.
Dow......35228 +2.5 +0.01%
Nasdaq14033 -30.5 -0.22%
S&P 500.4536 +1.5 +0.03%
FTSE.....7664 +17.7 +0.23%
Dax......16177 -27.00 -0.17%
CAC......7433 +47.9 +0.65%
Nikkei...32304 -186.3 -0.57%
HSI.......19075 +147.2 +0.78%
Shanghai.3168 -1.8 -0.06%
IDX.....6880.80 +16.51 +0.24%
LQ45....963.38 +1.84 +0.19%
IDX30...500.62 +1.03 +0.21%
IDXEnergy...1915.06 +18.87 +1.00%
IDX BscMat.1051.85 +5.09 +0.49%
IDX Indstrl...1188.92 -2.26 -0.19%
IDXNONCYC.761.89 +7.59 +1.01%
IDX Hlthcare1553.68 +19.77 +1.29%
IDXCYCLIC....927.18 -0.87 -0.09%
IDX Techno.4812.60 -70.69 -1.45%
IDX Transp..1932.87 +28.43 +1.49%
IDX Infrast... .856.63 +5.60 +0.66%
IDX Finance.1433.53 -1.14 -0.08%
IDX Banking.1207.16 +1.26 +0.10%
IDX Property..768 +2.50 +0.33%
*Indo10Yr.6.3227* -0.1661 -0.05%
*ICBI....368.9714* +0.0117 +0.05%
*US2Yr.4.8460* +0.001 +0.02%
*US5Yr 4.0950* -0.010 -0.24%
*US10Yr3.8370* -0.014 -0.36%
*US30Yr.3.9000*-0.020 -0.51%
*VIX.......13.60 -0.39 -2.79%*
*USDIndx 101.0710‼️* +0.1910 +0.19%
Como Indx...276.48 +1.78 +0.65%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN.......143.16 -0.61 -0.42%
*IndoCDS.82.67 +1.43 +1.76%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(20/07)*
*IDR.....15027.00‼️ +41.00 +0.27%*
*Jisdor.15026.00‼️ +35.00 +0.23%*
*Euro......1.1124* -0.0010 -0.09%
TLKM...25.65 +0.02 +0.08%
EIDO....23.53 +0.06 +0.26%
EEM.....40.32 -0.06 -0.15%
*Oil.....77.07* +1.44 +1.90%
*Gold...2005.30* -6.10 -0.30%
Timah..28494.00 -221 -0.77%
*(Closed 21/07)*
*Nickel..20829.50 -502.50 -2.36%*
(Closed 21/07)
Silver.... 24.86 -0.10 -0.40%
Copper.381.80. -1.15 -0.30%
Iron Ore 62% 112.47 +0.04 +0.04%
Nturl Gas.2.747 -0.0230 -0.84%
Ammonia China..2816.67 - -%
(Domestic Price)(20/07)
Coal price.133.00 +1.00 +0.76%
Coal price.141.75 +1.75 +1.25%
Coal price.143.05 +1.10 +0.77%
Coal price.147.70 +2.70 +1.86%
Coal price110.50 +0.75 +0.68%
Coal price.113.75 +2.15 +1.93%
(Agt/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price.114.00 +2.65 +2.38%*
*Coal price.114.25 +3.25 +2.92%*
CPO(Okt)..4043 -4 -0.10%
Corn....536.25 -10.00 -1.83%
SoybeanOil 62.80 +0.38 +0.61%
*Wheat...697.50 -29.50 -4.06%‼️*
*Wood pulp..4380.00* unch +0%
(Closed 23/07)
©️Phintraco Sekuritas
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_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_