June 12th, 2023 Good morning, S&P 500 notches fourth straight positive week, touches highest level since August The S&P 500 rose ...
June 12th, 2023
Good morning,
S&P 500 notches fourth straight positive week, touches highest level since August
The S&P 500
rose slightly Friday, touching the 4,300 level for the first time since August 2022 as investors looked ahead to upcoming inflation data and the Federal Reserve’s latest policy announcement.
Dow......33877 +43.2 +0.13%
Nasdaq13259 +20.6 +0.16%
S&P 500.4299 +4.9 +0.11%
FTSE.....7562 -37.4 -0.49%
Dax......15950 -40.1 -0.25%
CAC......7213 -9.01 -0.12%
Nikkei.....32265 +623.9 +1.97%
HSI.........19390 +90.8 +0.47%
Shanghai.3231 +17.8 +0.55%
IDX.....6694.02 +27.69 +0.42%
LQ45....954.24 +0.86 +0.09%
IDX30...497.44 +0.45 +0.09%
IDXEnergy...1770.09 +8.41 +0.48%
IDX BscMat...991.11 -7.42 -0.74%
IDX Indstrl...1168.00 +0.03 +0.09%
IDXNONCYC.749.08 +1.92 +0.26%
IDX Hlthcare1501.45 +5.65 +0.38%
IDXCYCLIC...888.95 +10.02 +1.14%
IDX Techno..4947.21 +59.82 +1.22%
IDX Transp..1926.46 -5.54 -0.29%
IDX Infrast.....855.65 +1.52 +0.18%
IDX Finance.1394.90 +12.58 +0.91%
IDX Banking.1173.30 +7.26 +0.62%
IDX Property..749 +9.30 +1.25%
*Indo10Yr.6.4360 -0.0176 -0.27%👍*
*ICBI..364.8112 +0.4619 +0.13%👍*
*US2Yr.4.5240* -0.032 -0.70%
*US5Yr 3.8580* -0.070 -1.96%
*US10Yr3.7210 -0.079 -2.08%*
*US30Yr.3.8888* -0.065 -1.64%
*VIX......13.83 +0.18 +1.32%*
*USDIndx103.550 +0.21 +0.20%*
Como Indx.260.63 -1.78 -0.68%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN......144.71 +0.26 +0.18%
*IndoCDS.84.19 -1.98 -2.30%👍*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(09/06)*
*IDR.....14840.00 -55.00👍 -0.37%*
*Jisdor.14853.00 -50.00👍 -0.34%*
*Euro......1.0749 -0.0035 -0.32%*
TLKM...28.23 +0.02 +0.07%
EIDO....23.46 +0.01 +0.04%
EEM.....39.86 +0.18 +0.45%
*Oil......70.17* -0.83 -1.17%
Gold...1977.20 -3.50 -0.18%
Timah..25817.00 +167.00 +0.65%
*(Closed 08/06)*
Nickel..21077.50 +137.00 +0.65%
(Closed 09/06)
Silver......24.41 +0.06 +0.25%
Copper..378.90 +0.20 +0.05%
*Iron Ore 62% 112.96👍 +1.53 +1.37%*
*Nturl Gas.2.262 -0.060 -2.58%*
Coal price.135.70 -0.55 -0.40%
Coal price.143.70 -0.80 -0.55%
Coal price.146.65 -1.10 -0.74%
Coal price.149.50 -1.25 -0.83%
*Coal price115.75 +2.85 +2.52%*
*Coal price.112.80 +5.10 +4.74%‼️*
(Jul/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price.110.05 +4.15 +3.92%‼️*
*Coal price.108.90 +3.85 +3.66%‼️*
CPO(Agt)..3314 +-51 +1.56%
Corn......530.50 -2.50 -0.47%
*SoybeanOil 51.96 +1.72 +3.42%*
Wheat...630.25 +4.00 +0.64%
*Wood pulp..4344.00 -26 -0.59%*
(Closed 10/06)
©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_