July 06th, 2023 Good morning, Dow slips 100 points to snap 3-day win streak as investors consider Fed’s latest comments The Dow Jones Indust...
July 06th, 2023
Good morning,
Dow slips 100 points to snap 3-day win streak as investors consider Fed’s latest comments
The Dow Jones Industrial Average
slid on Wednesday as Wall Street resumed a holiday-shortened week and digested the latest Federal Reserve meeting minutes for insights into the state of monetary policy.
Dow......34289 -129.8 -0.38%
Nasdaq13792 -25.1 -0.18%
S&P 500.4447 -8.8 -0.20%
FTSE.....7442 -77.6 -1.03%
Dax......15938 -101.6 -0.63%
CAC......7311 -59.1 -0.80%
Nikkei.....33339 -83.8 -0.25%
HSI.........19110 -305.3 -1.57%
Shanghai.3223 -22.4 -0.69%
IDX.....6718.98 +37.22 +0.56%
LQ45....953.44 +4.71 +0.50%
IDX30...495.50 +2.54 +0.51%
IDXEnergy...1801.29 +26.50 +1.49%
IDX BscMat.1011.34 +15.97+1.60%
IDX Indstrl...1180.67 +7.99 +0.68%
IDXNONCYC.754.39 +1.75 +0.23%
IDX Hlthcare1483.31 +5.82 +0.39%
IDXCYCLIC....893.37 +7.71 +0.87%
IDX Techno.4748.78 +16.41 +0.35%
IDX Transp..1943.76 +21.56 +1.12%
IDX Infrast... .863.17 +8.68 +1.02%
IDX Finance.1422.23 +1.54 +0.11%
IDX Banking.1190.01 +1.23 +0.10%
IDX Property..730 +6.50 +0.90%
*Indo10Yr.6.2909👍 -0.0144 -0.23%*
*ICBI....368.6006👍 +0.1834 +0.05%*
*US2Yr.4.9470* +0.007 +0.14%
*US5Yr 4.2490* +0.058 +1.38%
*US10Yr3.9390 +0.085 +2.21%*
*US30Yr.3.9460 +0.089 +2.31%*
*VIX.......14.18 +0.48 +3.50%*
*USDIndx103.3730* +0.3340 +0.32%
Como Indx...262.80 +1.91 +0.73%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN......141.50 -0.17 -0.12%
*IndoCDS.85.19👍 -0.97 -1.13%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(04/07)*
*IDR.....15017.50‼️+23.00 +0.15%*
*Jisdor.15013.00‼️-5.00 -0.03%*
*Euro......1.0854* -0.0025 -0.23%
TLKM...26.41 -0.01 -0.04%
EIDO....23.09 -0.03 -0.13%
EEM.....39.76 -0.24 -0.60%
Oil.......71.88 +0.88 +1.24%
Gold...1923.70 -9.40 -0.49%
Timah..27320.00 -57.00 -0.21%
*(Closed 04/07)*
*Nickel..21222.50 +683.0#0 +3.33%‼️*
(Closed 05/07)
Silver..... 23.35 +0.18 +0.78%
Copper..376.10 -2.25 -0.59%
*Iron Ore 62% 110.87 - -%*
*Nturl Gas.2.655 -0.087 -3.17%*
Coal price.144.80 +1.65 +1.15%
Coal price.151.00 -0.25 -0.17%
Coal price.154.60 -0.45 -0.29%
Coal price.155.90 -1.65 -1.05%
Coal price123.60 +0.30 +0.24%
Coal price.122.15 +1.25 +1.03%
(Agt/ Rotterdam)
Coal price.121.10 +1.45 +1.21%
Coal price.121.10 +1.65 +1.38%
CPO(Sept)..3862 -22 -0.57%
Corn.....493.50 unch +0%
*SoybeanOil 61.40 +1.21 +2.01%*
*Wheat...674.25 +32.50 +5.06%‼️*
*Wood pulp..4250.00* +20 +0.47%
(Closed 05/07)
©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_